Morbid Angle is based in the United Kingdom, with the majority of our crew from London – a world-renowned city for loud music, fast living and erm… black magic (look it up). “Have camera, will travel” is one of our mottos and while we operate mostly within the UK, we’ve been known to travel further for the right project.
Below is a list of services that we offer, but if you don’t spot what you need then send us an email and we’ll see if we can help. In general, we work with underground or established metal bands and the industry around them and we like to choose who we represent. If you’re a label, promoter, distro, publisher or a media outlet in need of video content then feel free to contact us for a quote.
Project rates are variable and usually depend on crew size, equipment, time and labour. Crew rates are calculated in accordance with guidance from BECTU (The UK’s Broadcast, Entertainment, Communications and Theatre Union).