Do you remember the Satanic Panic?


When a project hits, we usually start by grabbing our D&D Player’s Handbook and Rolling a D20. If the omens are with us then we light candles, put on ‘The Return…’ and draw a pentagram on the floor before summoning demons of unspeakable power for their opinion. Most of our worldly knowledge comes from the Necronomicon, Malleus Maleficarum and playing LPs backwards and sometimes things can get a little weird. That’s why we perform a ritual they call ‘planning’. This ensures your protection from evil during the four phases of video production and grants you limitless power at the end of the process. 


Where ideas come kicking and screaming into life. This is where we discuss your project, produce a storyboard and hash out the location and details of your video before giving you a quote. The cost of a project will usually depend on kit requirements, crew size, travel and time involved. Random objects have been known to go flying during this stage and you might hear voices.


Production is the most intensive stage of filmmaking and where our creative demons get physical. For music videos, gig footage and streaming we shoot with a professional crew that fits your needs, usually over a full day or the course of an event. For promo content or product videos, shoots are less complicated and only require a skeleton crew.


Your project has hit the editing phase. Your personal life might be collapsing and anxiety is creeping in but at this stage all of us are preoccupied with one question: Will this be the ULTIMATE music video? This is where we assemble, edit, colour and charge your project with visual black magic at our editing suite before you give it the all-clear and get an exorcist.


Tired of living under the ol’ demonic boot? This is where you channel your suffering into the public domain. We deliver your video in one format or many - from standard TV format to edits designed for any social media platform (Facebook posts, Instagram feed, Stories, GIFs). We can also circulate through our own channels to maximise your reach.